Partners and Membership
The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) is the premier association of health information management (HIM) professionals. AHIMA’s more than 53,000 members are dedicated to the effective management of personal health information required to deliver quality healthcare to the public. Founded in 1928 to improve the quality of medical records, AHIMA is committed to advancing the HIM profession in an increasingly electronic and global environment through leadership in advocacy, education, certification, and lifelong learning AHIMA. (
MSAI Executives are proud to be members of the AHIMA. Through AHIMA, we constantly find tools to upgrade our technological know-how and identify new industry trends. Thus, we are always on the lookout to find the best ways to service our clients’ needs.
California Better Business Bureau (BBB) inspires businesses to strive for the highest levels of business integrity and social responsibility. MSAI shares the vision and mission of the BBB and we’ve decided to be part of it. The BBB seeks to establish an ethical marketplace that abides by a value system that encourages trust among buyers and sellers. It does so by implementing its mission of (1) Creating a community of trustworthy businesses, (2) Setting standards for marketplace trust, (3) Encouraging and supporting best practices, (4) Celebrating marketplace role models, and (5) Denouncing substandard marketplace behavior. We at MSAI are most honored to be a part of the BBB and we will strive to live by the integrity that membership has put upon us and to which we have aspired.
“BBB Accreditation is an honor – and not every company is eligible. Businesses that meet our high standards are invited to join BBB. Businesses meeting BBB standards are presented to local Boards of Directors (or designees) for review and acceptance as a BBB Accredited Business.”
To the BBB, we give our utmost thanks.